These are just some example Modules. All Courses are designed for each client. This ensures that there are no irrelevancies and no time wasted during the training. We work together with you and your staff to construct a Programme that will achieve the desired result – the End Result!
Developing Existing Relationships - Provides attendees with a structured tool to analyse the strength of their relationship with existing accounts and shows how to prepare an objective based approach development plan.
Behavioural Techniques & Advanced Communication Skills - A fascinating module on how to recognise different personality types and how best to work with them. Often very revealing for attendees on a personal level!
Seeing the Language - Following on from above, an essential understanding of Body Language and what to do about it.
All Courses are highly participative and interactive, and include directed discussion and lecture sessions, syndicate exercises and carefully managed role-plays/case studies. Emphasis is on experiential learning, not being “lectured”.
Your needs not met? Contact us to discuss how we can design a Course for people like you.